Features Product

  • We are the manufacturer

    Our products are manufactured in the state of Idaho, USA and are designed to preform in all the outdoor elements.

  • Quality

    We could manufacture our products for a lower cost but our goal is to make our products perform above industry standards.

  • Order fulfillment

    We ship large volume pallet orders factory wholesale direct from Idaho USA. As well having a second fulfillment center strategically located in Southern B.C. Canada, offering both large smaller parcel packages, coupled with our JIT logistics to our customers

  • Adjustment

    Both 2-3/8" and 1-7/8" Post Leveling Collars offer 360° of easy adjustment and grip onto pipe during alignment, offering complete adjustable on-site installation with ease.

  • Easy to Install

    Our No Dig Installation guides are detailed and clear, our employees have exceptional knowledge of our products and will help you whenever you need it.

Our Products

About Us

It all began when frustration had led us to a solution, in that moment we started to design a new product for no dig vinyl fence post installation USA & Canada without having to dig or pour cement. Soon we got printing, molding prototypes, machining and filing for patents. Our experience in the field of plastics allowed us to manufacture a product for installing No Dig fence products locally at unparalleled levels of quality and efficiency. We were about to introduce a unique yet disruptive product to the vinyl fence…


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